IMA Redwood Empire Chapter Community,
I'm honored to serve as the President of IMA Redwood Empire Chapter. Our region covers a large regional segment of Northern California from the Golden Gate bridge to the Oregon border. We look forward to providing more opportunities this year for meaningful engagement of our members, introducing innovative programming formats and topics, and providing professional development and outreach opportunities. Our board plans to launch several new initiatives and focus on greater collaboration with colleges and universities. We are here to promote educational opportunities, network, and offer social events to our members and colleagues.
Thank you, members, for your continued participation and enthusiasm in our professional community and your incredible support and advice. Please feel free to reach out to anyone on the chapter board, listed on the “About Chapter” tab. We are very much open to receiving your questions or suggestions.
Looking forward to connecting with you on our upcoming chapter events. Wishing you good health and success in 2024!
Josh Zender, Ph.D., CPA
IMA Redwood Empire Chapter President